Publikohen pamjet momenti kur sigurimi i Klanit rra hë keq Bleron (VIDEO)

“Last night marked the grand finale of Big Brother VIP Kosovo, where all the contestants of this season gathered for an After Party to celebrate the culmination of this extraordinary journey.

However, it seems that not everything went smoothly for one of the former housemates. That person is none other than Bleron.

Sources revealed that Bleron had a physical altercation with security, allegedly triggered by his girlfriend.

Bleron addressed the incident, stating: “It’s not about violence. It was a minor altercation that was quickly resolved. As usual, events are exaggerated in the headlines,” dismissing claims of violence between him and security.

Despite the reported altercation, the atmosphere at the After Party remained celebratory, with contestants reflecting on their experiences inside the Big Brother house and looking forward to new beginnings.

The incident highlights the intense emotions and pressures that can arise in such high-stakes environments, even after the competition has ended. As fans eagerly await updates on the aftermath of the finale, the drama continues to unfold, keeping audiences engaged and intrigued.”